Fuel block ejection

The Safe Removal of Nuclear Reactor Fuel Assemblies

Patch notes: V

Under normal circumstances, it will not be possible to extract the fuel assembly if the reactor is not shut down and secured. The temperature of the fuel assembly must be below 55°C.

What can happen if the fuel assembly is removed in an unsafe manner?

If the external vessel of the core is flooded, the sudden temperature difference will damage the fuel assembly cladding, releasing radioactivity into the environment.

On the other hand, the influx of cold water into the reactor core will cause structural damage and a possible explosion, which will in turn damage the fuel assembly located in the fuel storage pool.

What is the safest way to remove fuel from the reactor core?

The reason why the reactor must be shut down, cooled down, and the external vessel must not be flooded before removing fuel from the core is to prevent accidents and minimize the risk of radiation exposure. 

Shutting down the reactor stops the nuclear reaction, making it safe to remove the fuel without the risk of a runaway reaction. Cooling down the fuel reduces the risk of fuel damage and prevents the release of radioactive materials. 

If the external vessel is flooded, the sudden temperature difference caused by removing the fuel could damage the fuel cladding, leading to a potential release of radioactive materials. On the other hand, if cold water enters the reactor core, it can cause damage to the structure and even lead to an explosion, which can damage the fuel assembly in the storage pool. 

Therefore, ensuring that the reactor is shut down, cooled down, and the external vessel is not flooded is crucial to ensure the safe and secure removal of fuel from the reactor core.