Measuring the Core temperature
The correct temperature reading of a container
Patch notes: V
In a nuclear reactor, the core is where nuclear fission takes place and generates heat. Due to the high radiation and temperature, it is not possible to directly measure the temperature of the nuclear fuel in the core accurately. Therefore, an indirect technique is used to measure the core temperature by measuring the temperature of the coolant that surrounds the core.
The coolant in a nuclear reactor circulates through the core, absorbs the heat generated by nuclear fission, and transports it through the cooling system. Since the coolant is in direct contact with the core, its temperature provides a good indication of the core temperature.
Moreover, the temperature of the fuel may vary in different parts of the core. By measuring the temperature of the coolant that surrounds the core, temperature differences in various parts of the core can be detected. This can be useful in detecting problems in the distribution of heat in the core and in preventing damage to the fuel.
Attention, if the fuel is exposed to high temperatures, it could be damaged, and could even cause the core to explode.
In summary, it is impossible to directly measure the core temperature in a nuclear reactor due to the high radiation and temperature. Instead, an indirect technique of measuring the coolant temperature that surrounds the core is used to determine the core temperature and to detect problems in the heat distribution in different parts of the core.