Configurable internal simulator engine timings
Configurable internal simulator engine timings
Patch notes: V
Threads dedicated to marking synchronization pulses are launched upon game startup. The "Milliseconds per minute" slider determines the amount of real-time that must elapse for the simulator to consider one virtual minute passed within the game. The "Interval milliseconds" slider determines the time between each tick of the simulator engine.
Ticks serve as internal synchronization signals, controlling the basic calculations of the engine such as temperature, pressure, fluids, etc. Both values are interrelated. To determine the number of ticks in one minute of the game, the value of "Milliseconds per minute" should be divided by "Interval milliseconds". In the normal range, there are 10 ticks per minute of the game. However, it's important to note that the "Interval milliseconds" value is fixed, whereas the "Milliseconds per minute" value is elastic.
If the PC fails to meet the requirement of 10 ticks within the time indicated by "Milliseconds per minute", that time will be extended until the 10 ticks are completed. This ensures that the simulation always executes the same number of ticks in one virtual minute of the game. Conversely, if the ticks are executed too quickly, the simulator engine will pause the calculations until the time indicated by "Milliseconds per minute" has elapsed.
To increase the speed of the simulator, it is recommended to proportionally reduce both values. If there are variations or fluctuations in the simulation, it indicates that values too low for the PC's power have been selected.